Other Events

The following groups take place in the church building but are not run by St Peter’s. Please check the group websites for further information:

Bach to Baby

The critically acclaimed concert series for baby and you. Outstanding musicians, exhilarating performances.

First Monday of the month from 10-12noon.

Find out more here.


West London Choir rehearsing (at the church) every Monday 7.15 to 9.15. Friendly welcoming non-auditioning Community choir led by characterful American MJ Paranzino. Linked to 3 other choirs, we perform en masse a few times a year e.g. Hallelujah Chorus at the V&A at Christmas. Mostly it’s just informal fun including show tunes and some gospel numbers. No need to sight read. First ‘taster’ is free. Please find out more here.

The Reader

Open to all, ‘The Reader’ are a national charity that want to bring about a Reading Revolution so that everyone can experience and enjoy great literature - “a tool for helping humans survive and live well”.

Tuesdays from 12.30-2.30pm.

Find out more here.