Everything we do at St. Peter’s relies on your generosity. We get nothing from the government or the central church, indeed we give to them! It’s your giving that enables us to pursue the vision we believe God’s given us.

The Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 2023 can be viewed here.

The Bible tells us to give ‘cheerfully’ as part of our worship (2 Corinthians 9:7; Proverbs 3:9). The greatest act of love and generosity was God giving his son Jesus for us. Giving our time, talents, and treasure (money) is simply our natural response when we truly understand the amazing generosity of God.

The most helpful way to give to St Peter’s is via bank transfer – either for a one-off donation or by setting up a regular standing order.

Our bank details are:

St Peters Church Notting Hill Church Account RCN 1133807 Sort code: 60 83 01 Account Number: 20255589

If you are a UK taxpayer, it would help us if you could complete the Gift Aid Declaration below, as we can then claim an additional 25% on your donation, at no additional cost to yourself.

Note: if your are making the payment online, you may receive a message from your bank warning you that they cannot verify our account details. We think that this may be because our provider - ‘Unity Bank’ is not recognised by many of the larger banks. If you receive a message like this, please do check that you have entered the correct details and you should then be able to proceed with the payment despite the warning message. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about this.


Monthly giving is vital to our mission as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects to reach more people with the love of Jesus.

To set up or amend a standing order, log in to your online banking or visit your local branch with St Peter’s bank account details.

Once you have set up or amended your standing order, please email us so that we can identify your gift and thank you.


You can give by cash, cheque, credit or debit card, or set up a new standing order at any Sunday service by using a giving envelope and adding it to the offering.   

If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider filling in the Gift Aid declaration on the envelope to make your gift go even further.

online GIVING (via churchsuite)

You can give to St Peter’s at any time with a credit or debit card by using our Giving Page (this method incurs a fee at our end).

St Peter’s Notting Hill Gift Aid Declaration

For UK taxpayers, we are able to reclaim 25p for every £1 given, at no extra cost to you. To allow us to claim Gift Aid on your behalf, please complete the declaration below.

Please claim Gift Aid on my donations to St Peter’s Notting Hill (Charity Number 1133807). This includes all donations for this year and the previous four years, plus any future donations, unless I notify you otherwise.

I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and have paid or will pay sufficient Income or Capital Gains tax in each tax year to cover all the tax that will be reclaimed by all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs to which I have made Gift Aid donations in any tax year covered by this declaration. I understand that I am responsible for paying any tax shortfall.

Please let us know if any of your personal details change, or if you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.